Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 New Year's Resolutions.

2011 is quickly coming to an end so here are my 2012 New Year's Resolutions.

Let's see how well I can keep up with them.

  1. Eat better (in moderation). I've pretty much gotten the working out thing down so now I just need to eat better and in moderation. No more eating out of a bag; I need to pour whatever it is I'm eating into a bowl so I'm not tempted to eat more. Or I shouldn't eat when I'm bored (story of my life). We'll see how this one goes.
  2. Learn chess. Yes, this resolution is back.
  3. Learn how to use chopsticks. This one is back as well.
  4. Continue to workout. I do it semi-consistently already so I just need to keep at it.
  5. Find a better job. I hope to leave the Y at the end of the school year. I hope.
  6. Try not to let the little things bother me so easily. I need to let the little things go; they're not worth it.
  7. Do something out of my comfort zone (or a few things). I need to try something I wouldn't normally do or really want to do.
  8. Travel. I want to do a day-trip of some sort where I can go and take pictures.
  9. Try and keep my room clean. This one makes me laugh.
  10. Make a [complete] bucket list. Maybe I'll even do some of the things on it.
  11. Find a boyfriend. I'm on the hunt. Nah, I'll just settle for meeting a nice guy.
  12. Make 2012 a good year. I don't want to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else have a good year. I need to make something happen for myself.
  13. Don't buy things I don't need. And spend less on Amazon. I have a bad addiction to online-shopping.

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