Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 New Year's Resolutions.

1. Lose more weight. I lost [about] 30 pounds last year! I actually did it! Better look at your window...I think I see pigs flying! Last year was the FIRST TIME EVER I can say I did that New Year's Resolution. Go me!
2. Workout just a little more. Ever since starting my new job (holla!), I've been too tired to workout. I need to do it more.
3. Learn chess. This one's back for the 3rd year in a row, or 4th or 5th. Who knows. I should probably learn chess.
4. Learn how to use chopsticks. Another resolution that's back.
5. Travel. I really do want to travel.
6. Find [and keep] a boyfriend. I had one for about 7 months. Bad timing I think. I might do; I'm not opposed.
7. Move out. Maybe.
8. Eat more apples. A little random? Yes.
9. Write in my blog more. I'm not avoiding you, I swear. I've just been busy.
10. Take more pictures. Sorry camera, I've been neglecting you! 

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