Friday, May 04, 2007

I'm in the blogging type mood...

I have nothing important to say so now's your only chance to exit this blog. I feel like spilling my guts to anyone who will listen and from the last time I check on how many people actually read my blog...I'm telling no one. But that's okay, I'm not going to cry and pout like last week. So was my last lab class. Can I get a WOO-HOO? Thank you. There are only 12 days of classes left (including finals but not including weekends). I'm so excited to go home, I'm tempted to start counting down by the hour until summer break. I have somewhat of a life so I'm probably not going to do that, but it's a thought. Okay, I've rambled on long enough. I think I've lost readers, though if no one actually reads my blog to begin with, is that possible?

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